Sunshine Award 2023/24 from Gil!

Real Weegie Midget has nominated me for 2 sunshine blogger awards! And even though the one is from August 2023, I still wanted to do them! The other is from late 2023/ early 2024. So here are the questions and my answers ( I’m not a fan of passing chain things on, but I always will answer the questions if someone passes it to me!) In leiu of 11 nominees, I’m gonna list 11 questions at the end, and anyone who wants to answer is welcome to answer! Thanks so much Gil times two for both awards and people, check out her website! It’s a real place to be if you love films and movies of any kind and all eras! You’re a fabulous connoisseur of entertainment!!!

List the award’s official rules…

  • Display the award’s official logo somewhere on your blog.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Provide a link to your nominator’s blog.
  • Answer your nominator’s questions.
  • Nominate up to 11 bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on at least one of their blog posts.

You are presented with an award for your services to film blogging, who do you choose to accept it from? I’d like to Accept an Awards from Gil, she’s so cool and kind! Plus she’s seen a ton and knows a ton of movies!

Which 1970s disaster movie group of survivors would you like to celebrate your blogging award with? The Towering Inferno! Bill Holden, Paul Newman, Fred Astaire, to name a few, what fun would that be!

Which child star do you think deserves an Oscar for their performance as a child actor? Natalie Wood! It’s so difficult to transition out of child roles, and she did.

What film or TV Series shouldn’t have been remade? Yours, Mine and Ours 2004 should never have been remade. I remember seeing it on DVD, as I never got to theaters for it (thankfully), I remember hating it, as a kid, thinking it was just was not funny or cute.

What fabulous film or acting talent have you discovered when writing your blog? I discovered Ingrid Bergman (Ginnie of The Wonderful World of Cinema loves her). I also now love Robert Redford too! I had seen his movies with Natalie Wood and, I liked him, but branched out and watched some of his other movies! Now I adore him!

What genre do you hate writing about? Sci-Fi. I just don’t get into sci-fi.

What’s your favourite instrumental piece written for a movie? I love the western theme music for The Searchers (1956). It can give you chills in a cool way.

What’s your favourite film musical? RENT 2005. I love RENT! It means so much to me, as I was born the same year it was it on broadway (1996) and it came into my life in 2005, when my mom became a fan of the movie. My grandma also died in 2005, and that was the first person in my life I lost to death. The soundtrack is the most cathartic healing tool when you’ve lost someone.

What TV Movie do you think should have been released as a feature film? With some minor changes, The Screaming Woman 1972. With the talent, it could have been a feature film, not just a TV movie of the week. It would need some tweaks though. High School Musical 2 (2007) could have been too, maybe.

Which movie star’s autobiography would you like to ghostwrite? Adam Pascal! (although he’s more Broadway rather than movie star) I’m available if you want me to write! If he ever chose to write one, I’d love to silently collaborate with him!

Which soap opera character would you want to be stuck on a desert island with? Blackie Parish?! I never watched John Stamos on General Hospital, but I know he was on GH, so why not him!!!

Second round of Questions:

Who would be your dream interview subject and why? I would love to be able to interview Colin Firth because I adore him!!! A well known actor, but not a Hollywood type!

What’s your favourite blogathon that you have either run or taken part in? I enjoy doing Blogtahons hosted by my fellow blogging friends! ! It’s so fun as we are all passionate about a certian actor/ actress or genre!

You have the choice of a film festival to attend in 2024 in an all-expenses paid trip, which do you choose…? Ohh interesting. Probably the TCM Film Festival, as they always have exclusives and world premieres.

What film-inspired present would you buy for me if you had 50 dollars (or your own currency) to spend…? I would by Gil a box set of one of her favorite TV shows that she doesn’t own yet! She would get to choose

Imagine that you are moving house, which actor or actress would you choose as your next door neighbour? I would love to live next door to Claire Foy! How cool would it be living next to the actress who won a Golden Globe for playing young Queen Elizabeth II!???

What’s your favourite film franchise? Probably Pirates of the Caribbean. I saw the 3rd, 4th and 5th installments in theaters and they are just fun movies.

Which year is your favourite in film, and support your answer with your top 3 movies from this time… Tough question! I’m just going with 1939 because The Wizard of Oz is my favorite movie ever. Stagecoach and Gone with the Wind are also some favorites from this year.

Recommend a film to me that you think would easily fit in my blog. Legal Eagles 1986 with Robert Redford and Debra Winger. I myself have not watched it yet, but it looks like 80’s fun! Plus, Sir Rod Stewart’s “Love Touch” is part of the soundtrack!

Without saying who the murderer is, which Agatha Christie inspired movie would you change the murderer in… Death on the Nile.

What’s your favourite film related  biopic? The Young Victoria 2009. You don’t see the young romantic queen that Victoria was very much on screen. Usually it’s her as an old woman, the young woman is just even more fascinating!

11 Questions open to anyone who wants to answer:

  1. Is there a movie from your childhood you loved as a kid, but today as an adult do love?
  2. Who was the teen idol of your generation?
  3. Which remake movie is actually worth watching?
  4. What movie would you delete from existence?
  5. What is a movie that has a better soundtrack than plot/story?
  6. Favorite movie from the decade you were born
  7. A movie that is underrated?
  8. A hit movie that you never got into/ liked
  9. A movie couple that you don’t see the chemistry when everyone else does
  10. Favorite sitcom TV show
  11. Favorite page to screen adaption (can be movie or TV show)

2 thoughts on “Sunshine Award 2023/24 from Gil!

  1. Thanks for your reply to this Award – you are the first to do so! I love your answers and my favourite was about The Screaming Woman 1972. I reviewed this after Olivia DeHavilland passed away and discovered it was based on the original story, which I reviewed earlier with a wee Drew Barrymore. Love to read your thoughts on these. Interesting also you picked Death on the Nile, for the murderer you wanted to change – I agree partly, still Endless Night for me (I know I’ll get the reference!). Thanks for your fabulous answers, and I’d love to give your award personally… unless Claire Foy does the honours… love Gill xxx

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